Last month, my sweetie and I braved the notoriously nasty I-405 in Brentwood to visit the Getty Center. In Focus: Ed Ruscha was the inspiration for the trip and it didn't disappoint. Photographers love the architecture of the Getty and flock to it, so it seemed necessary for me to take along a couple cameras of my own.
Getty Center, Los Angeles © Monika Seitz Vega, 2013 |
© Monika Seitz Vega, 2013 |
© Monika Seitz Vega, 2013 |
Charles Ray, "Boy With Frog" © Monika Seitz Vega, 2013 |
Edvard Munch, "Starry Night" © Monika Seitz Vega, 2013 |
I was quite happy to stumble upon
a painting of Edvard Munch's in the museum's collection. It was a work of his that I was not familiar with previously, which made it that much more exciting.
© Monika Seitz Vega, 2013 |
I couldn't leave without adding a couple of postcards to my collection. The first is of a wonderful panoramic film photograph of the Center taken by John C. Lewis in 2000. The second is a painting by Belgian artist Fernand Knopff entitled "Jeanne Kefer, 1885", which was my absolute favorite piece of art in the museum.
John C. Lewis, "The Central Garden at the Getty Center, 2000" |
Fernand Khnopff, "Jeanne Kefer, 1885" |
I purchased a couple postcards for friends as well and wrote them from the museum cafe's seating area that overlooks the gardens. Sending postcards to friends is something I try to do whenever I have the opportunity to visit somewhere special, and I cherish the ones I receive myself.
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